December 2010
Da Funk-Gloomy Scene Review
21/12/10 13:01 Archived in:Reviews
It's been around two years since Acryl Music label owner, Da Funk released material on his label. As he breaks the spell, he sends out his latest craft, "Gloomy Scene" fresh from the deep with remixes courtesy of Pablo Fierro, Addex, and GarcyNoise!
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Da Funk-Gloomy Scene (incl. Remixes) out now!
17/12/10 09:14 Archived in:Releases

After an almost 2 year long hiatus, Acryl Music's label boss Da Funk is back in time for the 40th release. "Gloomy Scene" is a true filter house monster complete with mid 90ies drum programming, a rolling bassline and weird but funky samples. Oh and did we mention the vocal in the break?
Pablo Fierro's (iRecords, Dark Energy, Cover Music) beautiful interpretation takes the deep and spehrical path here while Addex's (Love Zone, Solid Fabric, Etoka Records) remix impresses with his signature style, somewhere inbetween deep and tech house.
Last but definitly not least we have GarcyNoise (Justified Cause, Om Records) Ibiza's Way remix, tailored for the big room.

Nach fast 2 Jahren Pause ist Acryl Music’s Labelchef Da Funk zurück auf seinem Imprint. Pünklich zum 40. Release rollt ein wahres Filter House-Monster aus dem Studio. „Gloomy Scene“ setzt dabei auf einen pumpenden Beat, eine rollende Bassline und filtert sich vom Anfang bis zum Schluss zum Höhepunkt.
Pablo Fierro (iRecords, Dark Energy, Cover Music) geht bei seinem Dub Mix herrlich sphärisch, reduziert und deep vor.
Der Remix von Addex (Love Zone, Solid Fabric, Etoka Records) besticht durch seinen für Ihn typischen Tech House-Groove. Viel Hall, treibende Hi Hats und jackige Akkorde verleihen dem Remix den perfekten Drive.
Abgerundet wird das Release durch den Ibiza’s Way Remix von GarcyNoise (Justified Cause, Om Records), welcher perfekt für den Big Room geschustert ist.
Release Date:
16.12.2010 (Beatport exclusive)
30.12.2010 (Worldwide)

DJ Feedbacks:
"Liking orig, pablo and addex mixes here....very strong!"
Moodymanc (Dessous, Tsuba, Freerage)
"Original and Garcynoise mix for me !"
Nacho Marco (Freerange, Loud East, Pacha)
"Nothing rocks like the original! Garcynoise's remix is perhaps a bit OTT, but why not? The other mixes round up the EP nicely, good package."
Elmar Schubert (Freerange, Dieb Audio, Satin Souls)
"All tracks are cool with my favourite being the GarcyNoise Rmx. Will play"
The Timewriter (Plastic City, Elektrolux)
"love the original and the pablo fierro dub!"
Pete Moss (Dessous, Recline, Seamless)
"love the ibiza mix, great b-line"
Tom Findlay (Groove Armada)
" like the oldschool beats and flavour on the original, and the gracynoise mix is a good one too."
Kiko Navarro (Pacha, King Street, Nite Grooves)
Karol XVII & MB Valence (Loco, Acryl Music)
"very nice release...floorfiller!!!"
Lukas Greenberg (Plastic City, Acryl Music)
"very nice Ep!!!great energy & deep! FULL SUPPORT!
My favourites for Pablo Fierro & Addex rmx. congralutations !"
Christoph Kardek (Love Zone, Atal, Fiat Lux)
"Great release ! Original & Pablo mix are both excellent. Keep it deep"
Ocean Gaya (Love Zone, Acryl Music, Plastic City)
"pablio fierro dub is the one for me. every mix is solid!"
Nick Holder (Nrk)
"Pablo's remix is excellent, good work there"
Leigh Morgan (Urban Torque)
"Yooooooo, fantastic release... Love full EP"
Sendos Fuera (Extremely House Music, Short Records, Ibiza Sonica)
"god job brothers magninifike ep. dubman full support"
Dubman F. (Perception, Cherry Pickers, Disex)
"Original mix and garcynoise mix are my favourites tracks. Super powerful and groove."
Satour (Justified Cause, Dubhe, Black Mamba)
"Great package!For me, the original track!
Hitch (Young Odds, Khazuma, Deep Class)
"Nice one, thanks for sending. full support!"
Ramon Castells (Space Ibiza, Vendetta)
"Absolutely love the original mix here... monsta!"
DJ Inc. (Tempo ATL, Proton Radio)
"very nice package! original is solid, also remixes are wicked.."
Latenta Project (Wavesurfing, Plastic City, Sick Watona)
"original and pablo's remix for me :)"
Hisham Zahran (Union Jack, Acryl Music, Dyami)
"I'm really digging this release, all the mixes are spot on, but the original mix is the pick of the package for me."
Raymundo Rodriguez (Jaded, Ministry Of Sound Radio)
"Thanks feeling Garcynoise´s mix!"
Pablo Sanchez (House Café Music)
"Love the original, sounds like a big ass groove!"
Eelke Kleijn (Outside The Box, Proton)
"Nice Package. Addex Remix is definitely the one for us here. Just as we like it. Full support"
The Messenger (Soul Industries, iRecords, Plastic City)
"Great pack as always!Pablo's & Alex's remixes are my picks!"
Nestora (Acryl Music, Disclosure Project)
"Pablo Fierro did great job with the track! Beautiful sounds and amazing flow! Thanks!"
Kyka (Cabrio, Open Bar, In Deep)
"Been playing the original since summer, love it!!"
Dibby Dougherty (Baroque, Lowbit, Dutchie)
"Nice tunes i here...My fav is the groovy remix from Addex.Cool!"
Alex V (Sophisticate, Night Drive, Justified Cause)
"Addex remix is on the crest of wave! Will play in my gigs and radioshows."
Vincent Inc. (Manuscript, Toto)
"It's all about music from the Canaries ;-) Thanks my dear, the dub mix is yummy!!!"
Nadja Lind (Klartraum, Soma, Darkroom Dubs)
"Woaaaaaaa wicked track Daniel!!! Original rocks!!! Full support."
Dan Welton (Recovery Tech, Rawthentic, Timbee)
"very nice all mixes but original and Pablos remix my fav"
Dima Promo (iRecords, Acryl Music, Loco)
"nice release! specially the original & garcynoise's!"
Sandro Bianchi (Loca FM Madrid)
"Great EP. Love all the mixes, my pick would have to be Pablo's, its an amazing deep mover. like the original also, but Pablo's will be getting hammered great work."
JP Phillippe (Disclosure Project)
"Pablo and Garcy mixes are for me. will play !"
Sezer Uysal (Afterglow, Brown Eyed Boyz, Loco)
"love all mixes. What a great original. Wicked. Will have so much fun playing it for sure"
Igor Marijuan (Ibiza Sonica)
"really good ep! all track are good, but Pablo Fierro is my fav."
Fer Ferrari (Deep Class Records)
"review to follow"
Bleed (De:Bug)
"Pablo rmx sounds good"
Angel Molina (Sonar Music, Minifunk)
"Good Funky sound... Pablo Fierro Dub Mix is for me... Thanks!!"
Marcos Latrach (Real Music, Formula, Pressure)
"mooth & Deep! Great Track with the perfect variety of mixes....Loving the Pablo fierro dub and Garcy Noise Ibiza remix."
Bobi (Club FM Radio)
"Good ep 4/5 , like the original and Addex remix most."
Microphunk (Deeper Shades Of House, Pesto)
"Excellent work on Gloomy Scene and once again - Depth Comes As Priceless After The Drop of the Track!"
Delmar Browne (AOL Radio)
"Great release from Acryl ! i like a lot the orig mix and the remixes are excellent ..My fav is Pablo Fierro dub"
Ilias Katelanos (Love Zone, In Deep Records)
"Original is the best! Thank you, Dany! :)"
Feodor AllRight & Elena Mechta (AMDJS Radio Show)
"Nice remix by Addex"
Fabien Kamb (Low Flow, Body Rhythm)
"I really like pablos dub..."
Lou Lamar (Zurich by House, Ibiza Global Radio)
"I love it all tracks! Great work guys! 8/10"
Zuat Zu (Spohisticated)
"Excelent Ep, but my fav in this case is Addex Remix... Nice one!"
DJ Ino (House Café Music)
"I like the original mix, quite disapointed by Pablo Fierro as I really like his productions, the best for me is the Addex mix, thought the Garcynoise would be working for clubs"
Bruno From Ibiza (Café Del Mar, Ibiza Sonica)
"Great! will play Pablo Fierro Dub!!!"
Sergey Sanchez (Propaganda Club, Moscow)
"Full support on this nice release! Pablo Fierro's and GarcyNoise's are my favourites"
Christian Hawk (High Definition Records)
Francesco Farfa (Space Ibiza, Ibiza Sonica)
"Even I find GarcyNoise remix suitable for dance floor, Pablo Fierro seems like he has a point which figures how deep it should be. Love it."
Onur Ozman (Acryl Music, Rebirth, Next Dimension)
"pablo has pretty much knocked it out of the stadium into the car park here, great remix by him ...full support."
Paul Jones (Disclosure Project, Elevation, Acryl Music)
"Real nice package where to choose from,Thanks!!
Etoka's man did a straightforward deep tune just the way I like them!!
Addex Remix is the one for me, together with Pablo's interpretation of Gloomy Scene, soft, melodic & groovy."
Alvaro Hylander (iRecords, Acryl Music)
"nice ! Pablo fierro is my favorite, support from Paris is underground!"
Yohan Esprada (Deso, Next Dimension, Soul Heat)
"Added Remix and GarcyNoise are my favs, great work"
Sven Jacobsen (Outside The Box, Deepflight, Caballero)
"Da Funk does the business once more - Pablo Fierro Dub's got a great groove - but so much to enjoy here!"
Richie Hartness (Untitled Music)
"pablo does it once again. very nice. will play."
Henri Kohn (Clubstar, Conya)
"really nice!"
Jevne (Onethirty Recordings)
"like original and Addex remix but GarcyNoize my fav. very dancefloor mix love it!"
Deep Maker (Acryl Music, Galvanik)
"BRILLIANT RELEASE! Original and GarcyNoise remixes are the best! Will definitely review this."
Miguel Libre (Motionmigs)
"good production"
Greg Fenton (Soularis, Guidance)
"Great e.p with fantastic productors. Full support"
Miguel Garji (Ibiza Global Radio)
"Max Support! Good!"
Mirko Paoloni (Radio Party Groove Italy)
"Impressive .. all the tunes bump along .. stand out would be GarcyNoise & Original "
Simon (Deepsouth Audio)
Out now!

Karisma Podcast 022 By Da Funk
06/12/10 20:04 Archived in:News

Karisma Chronicles | Karisma Podcast 022 By Da Funk
Suisse, 1991. La musique électronique rassemble ses fans. Aux premières loges se trouve Da Funk, qui participe à quelques événements mais qui en peu de temps tombe amoureux de la musique. Il vibre au rythmes des grosses soirées mais le rythme de l’auditeur lui fait prendre conscience qu’il n’est pas au paroxysme de son amour pour la musique.
Possédé par la musique, le jeune homme va alors commencer à mixer. Première grosse soirée en 1996 à Zurich, d’autres suivront peu après.
Suite à une soirée sur une île espagnole en 1997, une pause s’est alors fait sentir dans la tête du jeune homme. Non-content de passer des morceaux, Da Funk a compris qu’il aimait beaucoup la house, et s’est donc naturellement redirigé.
N’étant pas casanier, Da Funk s’investit alors dans la production. Il crée son studio et s’adonne enfin à une nouvelle approche du son.
En 2004 arrive Acryl Music, son label, là où il révèle sa definition de la house: un mélange entre deep, tech, avant-gardiste et innovante. Son empreinte musicale réside cependant dans les mélodies, très caractéristiques de son style.
Download with iTunes

Da Funk-Tranquilandia out now!
01/12/10 19:15 Archived in:Releases

Da Funk-Tranquilandia out now on High Definition's Deep & High Vol. 1 compilation alongside tunes from Sebastian Davidson, Seraphine & J. Khobb.
Supported by:
Mark Knight, Felipe Valenzuela, Sabb, Psycatron, Anthony Pappa, Rodriguez Jr., Karol XVII & MB Valence, DJ Chus, Mihai Popoviciu, Falko Richtberg, Jaffa Surfa, Mirco Violi, Robert Owens, Funkadub, Manu-L, Feygin, Triumph, Cristian Viviano, Guido Nemola, Hermanez, Caio Carvalho and more!
Out now exclusively on

Da Funk-Come On Review
01/12/10 09:06 Archived in:Reviews
Da Funk-Come On out now!
01/12/10 06:56 Archived in:Releases

New from Cabrio is another smoking hot deep gem from a hardworking Swiss producer who shouldnt need any introduction.
Da Funk, has a back catalogue thats even bigger than the wholes in Swiss cheese and bring you his new track "Come On".
We also bring you yet another newcomer on Cabrio, Direktor who hails from Estonia, and he delivers two great mixes.... man he can go so deep!
We also have a remix update from the talented Hungarian Kormix, who has around a dozen releases under his belt already, so come on, play it loud!
DJ Feedbacks:
Luciano - thx for music
Tom Findlay (Groove Armada) - nice groove, love the chords and vocal section
John Digweed - Downloading now
Nacho Marco - Liking it so much!
Sander Kleinenberg - Thanks! Downloading for Sander Kleinenberg.
Mousse T - beautiful
Robert Owens - great track like the original
Sarah Main - nice tune
Frankman - great tune, like it! will play it sure
Pablo Fierro - Very Deep!! grooove....
Evren Ulusoy - nice one mate !
Rick Preston - Love this!!!!!
The Littlemen - nice smooth track
Desyn Masiello - another winner, perfect track to warm up these winter months. this puts a smile on my face
Latenta Project - great track from Da Funk as always, we will try this out.
JP Phillippe - Hey Dany, Great track. Up to your usual standard.
Sezer Uysal - cool oldschool vibe!
Eelke Kleijn - Nice one dude! Will support
Nadja Lind - A nice deep and emotional piece of music. I like.
Harold Heath - like the original, i'll def give this a spin
Tom Morgan - Original for me, good stuff.
Satoshi Fumi - Da Funk style is nice! i love Original and Direktor Dub:)will play.
Onur Ozman - People know that I like Da Funk. So no need to say that the Original Mix is satisfying. Director Dub seems a nice one, too.
Bogdan Taran - Original is absolutely stunning, in support, will play in the show this week definitely
DJ Dove - nice work
Andy Baxter - Direktor Dub all the way for me, early doors.
Kid Massive - the direktor dub is awesome.. my kinda deep moody house music
Bamo - Nice, thanks mate.... Original edges it over some decent mixes.
Joan Ribas - nice deep groovy tune
Kormix - amazing!!!
Rulers Of The Deep - Direktor Dub it is! Massive Dub!
Seva K - i like Kormix's mix
Freddy Turner - Love this is Very Different then the normal.. Original Mix is the one,,,
Amit Sholam - Love the original, and the Kormix remix is a very useful DJ tool.
Kyka - Direktor has made really great deep sounds in his dub version but original is my favorite from this EP!
Stonebridge - The Direktor is boss, fantastic vibes in there!
Russell Deeks (iDJ) - The kind of quality we've come to expect - both from Daniel and from Cabrio. Keep 'em coming, 5/5!
Jance - Mint!
Sendos Fuera - Fantastic track amigo... Allways deep and swetty. Yeahhhhh.
Chris Girard - I dig the Direktor Dub the most, and will be mixing it in asap.
Jevne Miller - quite solid from Da Funk as always! have to go with the OG here!
Big Al - Direktor Dub and Kormix remix work for me. Will support!!!
Spirit Of House - Infectious deep house full of celestial melodies - not to be missed
DJ Aslak - Will try this!
Gabriel Voorbeytel - lovely and lush track.. in the bag for my deep-house sets!.
Mastercris - great one! love the original and Direktor remix.
Ilias Katelanos - great release ! like a lot original and remixes -especially Direktor Dub and remix - excellent work full support!
Max Mason - quality assured .. brilliant infectious grooves, actually I like all the mixes, a great release
DJ Jorj - nice tune, Deep...
Miguel Garji - Nice e.p. perfect for deepfusion. All support
George Horn - Great stuff. The Original is my first pick, but all of these are getting play time no doubt. Looking forward to the Direktor EP.
Pierre Ravan - Lovely Dub...hard but groovy...will rock my KaRavan nights
Pad - Really great tune, i'll play this one for sure
Bios - "Lovely drum samples, a good co-op between the bass and the kick, a real makes-me-move groove and that distinctive deep Da Funk sound that still becomes more and more precise and balanced track by track. Great job mate I like it a lot!
Feodor AllRIght & Elena Mechta - Dany! You rock! The baseline is huge! Count us in the support for this one.
Amir Groove - lush and deep!! like it a lot
Francesco Farfa - good deep stuff
Bruno From Ibiza - nice prodcution, like it !
DJ Inc. - raw funk... will def. support!
Yohan Esprada - Perfect for my Dj Set @J'ose in Paris the next week !
Richie Hartness - Great swirling epic sounds
Delmar Browne - An Anthem In The Making!
Edground - Very nice, deep for the dancefloor. I play it.
Miguel Libre - Good stuff!
Bobi - Really lovely & deep the production! Straight in the wallet! play & support it.
Erwin Kelemen - Nice Tune Da funk!
Van Gold Virus - Soft Track or Lounge and Bargroove´s! I can this play in my Skylounge SOLAR Berlin
Out now: